Salvage & Demolition

A large part of the ReStore’s success is the Salvage Program. This ever-growing program accounts for about half of the gently used and re-usable building materials that are for sale at the ReStore.

If you are planning a renovation or home improvement project, our volunteer crews can take apart your existing structure or old materials and remove them from your home FREE OF CHARGE to be salvaged and resold in our ReStore! Past salvages include:

Kitchens and Bathrooms

Flooring and Baseboards

Siding, Decks

Camps and Cottages

…and much more!

The salvage and deconstruction program is overseen by our ReStore Manager. Our volunteer salvage crew will come and assess your project, schedule a date that works for you and when they arrive, work in a safe and efficient manner making sure that they take great care of their worksite.

If you are thinking about doing renovations to your home or business- give us a call! Your re-usable materials can help give a family a hand-up!

For more information, please call 807-346-4884